
Senior firsthand Guide
Chattanooga, TN

Julia began struggling with depression and anger issues in childhood. When they moved to a new city at the age of 13, things got even more challenging. Although their mother started therapy for them, Julia found it difficult to express their emotions and connect with their therapist. They felt misunderstood and unseen despite having a lot of emotional pain.

As Julia grew older, they began to utilize therapy more effectively and eventually received a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Adjusting to medication was a tough process, but with the support of their therapist and the use of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Julia acquired valuable coping skills and became more capable of managing their mental health.

As Julia's recovery progressed, they found their calling in the mental health field, where they could help others and better understand themselves. This career stability, coupled with their newfound coping skills, allowed them to make significant progress in their mental health journey. Along the way, Julia also discovered a lot about their gender identity and sexuality. Self-acceptance and self-love have been essential in Julia's journey towards becoming their true self. 

Julia's current role as a firsthand Guide involves building relationships with individuals and helping them to navigate the healthcare system. Julia considers it an honor to be trusted with others' stories and to be able to advocate for them. They have found a supportive community within their firsthand team in Chattanooga and appreciate the encouragement and support they receive from their colleagues.

Julia's experiences with chronic migraines over the last few years have allowed them to empathize with others who live with physical illnesses. Julia’s advice for others living with serious mental or physical illness is to believe in their ability to make decisions and judge what is right for themselves. They believe that everybody deserves to have the kind of life they want and that recovery is always possible.

Outside of work, Julia is a huge Star Trek fan (especially Deep Space Nine), and loves spending time with friends, singing karaoke, and attending concerts. While migraines make physical activities difficult, they enjoy painting and drawing, watching TV shows and movies, and reading books. And if you happen to catch them at karaoke night, you might hear them belting out "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette - it's their current favorite!